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Scar tissue

Updated: Apr 17

Before I start on this one, I would like to state that this is based solely on my experience in my career with over 20,000 hours of hands on time. I have had my own hypotheses over the years, I have studied x-rays, MRIs, and other imaging alike.

When I first moved to Colorado in 2005, I was a sterilization and x-ray tech for an orthodontist. That's where I had my first experience reading x-rays.

In 2011, I started working with my first chiropractor and started working on car accidents. I received my own national provider number to be able to be billed by insurance companies.

In 2012, I worked at a chiropractor office and I learned not only how to take the x-rays, but also how to read them and how to help with car accidents and injuries more in depth. The chiropractor taught me more detailed ways to work the joints and ribs with the musculoskeletal system in order to put them back in the correct place. This was the point in my career where I started to sleep with my anatomy book next to my bed.

Over the years I started to realize that the more that I worked on scar tissue, the more that it broke down and the more mobile everything around the area that was affected by it became. I started to apply this theory to other issues with the body, i.e. arthritis and bunions. This is where the magic happens. Soon, I was finding that the arthritis and the bunions were going away and that the clients who had had pain for many years were finding relief like they had never seen before.

Arthritis and scar tissue both appear about the same on x-rays and MRIs, so my thought was why couldn't they be worked out the same way with massages? I have not given the same massage twice as the human body is always changing and no two bodies are ever the same, but I do apply some of the same techniques with some adjustments to those who have issues with scar tissue or arthritis. Providing relief from the pain that people live in be it mental, emotional, physical or spiritual is my goal with every session.

Scar tissue can form from even the smallest injury. It lays itself down in every direction to fill the space and can spread from there.

I feel as though we have mental, emotional, and spiritual scar tissue that we can heal from too. Sometimes, when we have injuries in those areas, they can manifest themselves physically in our bodies. It is important to make sure that once again you find a massage therapist that you trust, so that if you do end up releasing one of these and having a Somato Emotional Release(please refer to muscle memory for explanation), you feel safe and you know that you can leave all of the issues that you released there on the table.

Scar tissue is not something that your body needs or wants, it is just something that your body does to keep you functioning. I want to keep your body thriving.

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